One of the biggest risks to people browsing the Internet is fraudulent websites that are attempting to be another, legitimate website. By pretending to be a site that you want to visit, such as your bank or email provider, they can attempt to get your important passwords for those sites. The Safari browser on your […]
How to Enable Cookies in Safari on an iPhone 7
Cookies are a crucial part of many of the websites that you visit every day. They help keep you signed into your account, then help remember the items that you’ve added to your shopping cart, and they help to personalize your experience. But cookies can also cause some Web pages not to work correctly, and […]
How to View Stored Passwords in Safari on an iPhone 5
Safari on an iPhone shares many of the same features that are present in its desktop alternative. One of these features is the ability to save passwords. When you enter a password into a field on a Web page, Safari will typically prompt you with the option to save that password. If you have elected […]
How to Find Open Web Pages in the iPhone Web Browser
The Web browser that you use on your computer, whether it is Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, or anything else, gives you the option of viewing your pages in tabs. This means that you can simultaneously have multiple Web pages open at the same time. The Safari Web browser on your iPhone has this feature too, […]