The ability to add fingerprints on your iPhone allows you unlock the device more easily, as well as complete certain actions and transactions in your apps.
But you may have added a fingerprint that isn’t reading correctly for one reason or another, or you may have let someone else add a fingerprint on the iPhone and you no longer wish for them to be able to use the phone. Our guide below will show you how to delete a fingerprint from your iPhone 7 and disable the ability for that print to unlock the phone.
How to Remove a Fingerprint from an iPhone
The steps in this article were performed on an iPhone 7 Plus in iOS 12.14. These steps will also work for other iPhones with Touch ID that are using iOS 12.
Step 1: Open the Settings app.
Step 2: Scroll down and select the Touch ID & Passcode option.
Step 3: Enter the current device passcode.
Step 4: Choose the fingerprint you wish to delete.
Step 5: Tap the Delete Fingerprint button.
Are you seeing a lock icon at the top of your screen and you aren’t sure what it is? Find out more about the iPhone lock icon and see why it occasionally appears on the device.
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